fair Trade.
how can enjoying my coffee can help the farmers?
We support FAIR TRADE terms for all the people involved. We work specifically with small farmers and producers. By buying their coffee beans through us, you are also taking part in helping them and their family to not just make a living, but to live their dreams too.
Through the ACE Home Barista coffee community, and by your help and support, we will be able to make this sustainable. It makes enjoying a good quality of coffee beans meaningful.
In the future, we are also hoping to be able to bring you to visit them and the plantations yourself.
Coffee Fun Facts.
Aceh Highland - Gayo
1200 -1700 masl
Gayo beans have recently gained popularity in the world. The word 'Gayo' itself means Mountain. Gayo ethnic itself is thought to have originated from Aceh Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. The Gayonese predominantly inhabits mountainous areas with a population of 336,856.
Gayo Mocha Arabica beans were native to Yemen that were brought by the Dutch traders to Java in the 17th century. The beans were then brought all the way up to Gayo Highlands until today. Gayo Coffee is probably Indonesia's most known Coffee in the world.
In the past, we journeyed to a small region called TAKENGON, it is a region where Gayo coffee beans are produced. Today, we can taste the highly sought after Wine Gayo.

Coffee Fun Facts.
Mount Halu - West Java
1,200 - 1,800 masl
Java coffee is one of the most sought after in the world. Even a computer programming language has taken its name, "Java". There are many types and varieties that came from this region.
With a distinctive aroma and unique taste, Mount Halu beans became one of the highest in demand from our store. These beans came from the West Java region where Sunda ethnicity dwells.
The variety of the beans, the natural texture and composition of the soil, and the processing make Mount Halu beans contain a hint of fruity taste such as banana, jackfruit, etc. It certainly deserve world recognition.