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If you are a big fan of our Ciwidey Honey, you will most likely want to try this.
This coffee presents something extraordinary, something out of this world in our opinion.
Origin: Ciwidey
Varietal: Multivar (Typica, Lini s)
Elevation: 1350 masl
Farmer's Name : Usman
Processor's name : Kusnadi
Process : Wine (10 days fermented)
Defect : less than 3%
Roasting Profile: Medium
Roasted by: Ewan
Charged Temp: 170C
Drop Temp: 208C
Development time: 8.5 mins
Notes: For you to tell us
How to brew:
French Press and Filter: Do use a higher ratio. In our lab, we do a 1:20 ratio for the V60 method and it is pleasant funky coffee for your celebration, may it be a Birthday party or even a bachelor party.
Espresso: We do lungo instead of Espresso.
How to serve: throw some ice, on a hot sunny day this is a great summer day drink. We only have 12 bags available as it is special processing order, and the next batch is still in progress.

Ciwidey Wine - West java 200 gr

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